Monday, December 12, 2011

Back to the Start

I love this ad made by Chipotle. Anytime I see a message like this, my first reaction is to sort of cringe at the 'hippy' nature of it, but I've been increasingly bothered by the high level of process in American food. The conclusion is actually one of the reasons I love catering BBQ. I can choose to serve higher quality meat than most people consume (unless they are intentional about it). I smoked ham as one of the meats for my last event, and one store was selling a ham that said '23% of weight from additives'. What the heck. If I had $9, I'd probably eat at Chipotle for lunch today.

Making of:

Monday, February 28, 2011

The BBQ Song

I don't know how I haven't seen this song until now, but its news to me. Its a humorously accurate description of the differences in BBQ between regions. Makes me hungry too.